Thunderstruck (2012)

Thunderstruck (2012) Full Movie

Brian is a 16 year-old who can't play basketball, but he still wants to play like his hero, Kevin Durant. At an Oklahoma City Thunder game, Brian gets chosen to shoot a half court shot which he misses and hits the mascot in the process. Later on, he gets a chance to meet Durant and expresses his desire to play just like him. When Kevin gives Brian the ball, the two unknowingly switch talents.

Watch Thunderstruck Full Movie | BMovies

Thunderstruck . Trailer. Brian is a 16 year-old who can’t play basketball, but he still wants to play like his hero, Kevin Durant. At an Oklahoma City Thunder game, Brian gets chosen to shoot a half court shot which he misses and hits the mascot in the process. ... Watch HD Movies Online For Free and Download the latest movies. For everybody ... Watch Thunderstruck (2012) | Prime Video

This movie was so cute. The perfect movie for movie night with my 11 year old son. He enjoyed it and so did I. It's basically a movie about a 15 year old boy who accidentally steals kevin durrants talent and now becomes the star of his high school. Many great lessons on what is important , like friendships and being humble.

Thunderstruck | Netflix

Thunderstruck 2012 7+ 1h 33m Sports Movies After awkward teenager Bryan mysteriously finds he now has the talent of his basketball idol, Kevin Durant, he becomes his team's star player.

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Thunderstruck (2012) - Cinemaindo Download Thunderstruck (2012) Subtitle Indonesia Download Film Thunderstruck (2012) Download Full Movie Thunderstruck Download Subtitle Indonesia Thunderstruck Film Bioskop Thunderstruck (2012) Cinema 21 Layarkaca21 - Thunderstruck ...

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Nonton Thunderstruck (2012). Brian adalah berusia tahun 16 yang tidak bisa bermain basket, tapi ia masih ingin bermain seperti pahlawannya, Kevin Durant. Pada pertandingan Oklahoma City Thunder, Brian akan memilih untuk menembak tembakan setengah lapangan yang ia merindukan dan hits maskot dalam proses. Kemudian, ia mendapat kesempatan untuk bertemu Durant dan mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk ...

Thunderstruck Films

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Thunderstruck method to stay film produced by Warner Premiere, Stunts Unlimited, working with a beskrivelse af filmen er "Da Brian pludselig bliver stjernen på sit hold, og Durant ikke kan ramme noget som helst, lærer Brian, hvad det egentlig vil sige at være en vinder, og sætter alt ind på at bringe situationen i orden igen.".Filmen er produceret med fremragende grafisk kvalitet, bedste ...

Thunderstruck (2012)

Directed by John Whitesell. With Kevin Durant, Taylor Gray, Jim Belushi, Brandon T. Jackson. When Brian, a hopelessly uncoordinated young fan magically switches talents with his hero, basketball star Kevin Durant, he becomes the star of his high school team, while Kevin Durant suddenly can't make a shot to save his life.

Thunderstruck (2004)

Directed by Darren Ashton. With Damon Gameau, Stephen Curry, Ryan Johnson, Callan Mulvey. After a near death experience, five Boys, all devoted AC/DC fans, make a pact to bury their best friend next to the grave of Bon Scott. 12 years later, having gone their different ways, they come together to fulfill the promise.


"Thunderstruck" is the first song on the 1990 AC/DC album The Razors Edge. Addeddate 2013-04-02 13:57:56 Identifier Acdc-Thunderstruck. plus-circle Add Review. comment. ... 5 Favorites . DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . ITEM TILE download. download 1 file . JPEG download. download 1 file . OGG VORBIS download. download 1 file

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